Welcome, Michael Jastram!
Qualicen is never finished und in kontinuierlicher Veränderung. Dazu gehört auch, dass wir immer wieder neue Mitglieder an Board begrüßen dürfen. Seit November ist Dr. Michael Jastram neu dabei. Vielen von euch kennen ihn z.B. vom Systems Engineering Blog SE Trends oder vom Tag des Systems Engineering der GfSE. Für alle anderen ist es Zeit, ihn näher kennenzulernen!
Henning Femmer: Hallo Michael, willkommen an Bord! Wie waren deine ersten Tage?
Agile yet Safe! – System Testing in Agile Projects (in JIRA or Azure DevOps)
Testing plays a central role in agile software development. We usually have unit testing and test automation under control. System testing, and in particular regression testing is often methodologically more difficult. Recently more and more test manager approach me and
Mature Enough? Using Maturity Models to Assess and Improve Software Projects
It is not rare that projects approach us not as a consultant firm but more like a medical first-aid station. In those cases, the patient represents a software or engineering project that is hanging on by a bare thread. So
Presenting to You: Qualicen Snapshot [in German]
Liebe Freund*innen und Partner*nnen von Qualicen, Langsam schaffen wir es nicht mehr uns mit allen Kontakten regelmäßig persönlich auszutauschen. Und manche/r scheut vielleicht die Hürde uns einfach mal auf die neuesten Entwicklungen anzusprechen. Und auch nicht jede/r hat die Zeit unseren Updates
The Incredible Potential of Text Analytics – The Use Cases Explained.
New advances in text analytics make the tech news nearly every week, most prominently IBM Watson, but also more recently AI approaches such as ELMo or BERT. And now it made world news with the pandemic caused by the Covid-19 virus, with the white house requesting help via NLP.
Text Analytics and Natural Language Processing (NLP) deal with all types of automatic processing of texts and is often built on top of machine learning or artificial intelligence approaches. The idea of this article is not to explain how text analytics works, but instead to explain what is possible.
Requirements Engineering and Origami
Hear us speak at REConf 2018
Falls Ihr/Sie nächste Woche in München seid, kann man fast gar nicht über die REConf 2018 laufen ohne uns zu begegnen: