Goodbye Garching! Hello Munich!
Start spreading the news, we´re leaving today, we want to be a part of it…Munich, Munich. 😉 Oh no, let´s not mash up this wonderful Frank Sinatra song. But the news are real: We are super exited to announce that we just moved to our new office in the city of Munich!
How come we moved to Munich? Why not stay in our nice office space at gate Garching? Wasn’t working at the business incubator so much fun, giving us so many wonderful opportunities during our early Start-up years? Yes indeed, but now our time has come to finally stand on our own feet and move on to the next chapter of Qualicen.
We already knew from the day we started with our first room at gate Garching in 2016 that this rental agreement would only last for a duration of five years. With Qualicen growing and with more new colleagues joining the team we expanded to more and more rooms over the years. We always really appreciated the flexibility of gate Garching as well as all the other great offers, like special coaching days and training sessions for entrepreneurs, but also for the rest of the team. In addition, the opportunity to meet so many other young companies and exchange experiences was always very interesting for us. The close proximity to TU Muenchen was also a plus and made it a lot easier in the beginning to win new working students.

But after five years it was now time to hatch from our comfy nest. Earlier this year the team came together (remotely) to discuss expectations and demands for the next Qualicen homebase. Since most of our team members live in Munich or in the near suburbs we quite easily came to the conclusion that our new office should be in the city, preferably close to public transport and ideally near the main S-Bahn tracks (“Stammstrecke”) with good connection to all subways as well as the long-distance trains at Munich main station. A team of two colleagues was selected to start the search for our new place. A few months and a few viewings later, we finally found a nice location with the help of a real-estate agent: an office with perfectly sized small rooms for two, three or four people and in very close proximity to the S-Bahn station Laim. Since there was another prospect for the same estate we were trembling for another few days, but in the end we were lucky to finally get the landlord´s approval.
Soon after that the relocation preparations started: finding a moving company, designing the floor plan and thoroughly planning which furniture we can take along. Then of course comparing internet service providers, finding a new electricity provider, making arrangements with the cleaning company and various other preparations were on our “to do list” as well as getting everything fixed and painted at the old office for the upcoming official handover to gate Garching.
Just a few days after moving to Munich all desks were equipped and ready for the team to return. And so far we’re really happy and are enjoying the new work environment. We set up a cozy lounge area where everyone can meet for coffee breaks and team lunch and we hope our team is easily getting settled here. With 2022 being just around the corner we already look forward to enjoying some sunny lunch breaks on our big balcony next spring and summer. And we will certainly also get to enjoy some after work drinks there while doing a little bit of trainspotting. Oh yes,”Stammstrecke” is literally right at our doorstep! 🙂
Due to Covid-19 cases rising again over the last weeks we are still in “safety first”-mode and only started working at our Munich office with a smaller team then usual while the other colleagues are working from home. We really hope to welcome all of our team and of course also visitors at our new location again very, very soon. Our new address is: Rosa-Bavarese-Str. 15, 80639 Muenchen.